Whether you’re looking for consultancy, Bikeability, or the planning, creation and delivery of bespoke cycle training and events, First Step Cycle are here to provide you with a high quality, cost-effective solution to meet your requirements exactly.

Modeshift STARS Education
Modeshift STARS is the centre of excellence for the delivery of effective active travel plans.

Give your pupils the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to cycle safely with Bikeability training from FSC.

Pedestrian Skills
Hands-on, practical, fun and engaging – Pedestrian Skills are a great introduction to road safety.

Instructor Training
This qualification prepares learners for employment as a cycle training instructor.

Learn To Ride
Learn to Ride prepares those in Years 3 and 4 to take their Bikeability training in Years 5 and 6.

Pre-Pedal Training
Thanks to our Pre-Pedal programme, children will learn to ride without even realising!

Go Scoot
Scooting promotes physical activity from an early age and develops skills which also help with cycling.

Rusty Riders
The Rusty Riders scheme is a training course for adults who wish to brush up on their cycling skills.