Modeshift STARS

FSC & Hull Schools supporting schools with Modeshift STARS award for active and sustainable travel

In an effort to produce more sustainable and active journeys in Hull, to and from Hull Schools, First Step Cycle will partner with schools to fulfil the requirements for the Modeshift STARS award. Modeshift STARS is a national awards program, available to schools nationwide that promote and encourage sustainable and active forms of travel.

The Centre of Excellence works across education, business and community settings, in order to build comprehensive travel plans with their patented travel plan toolkit. The toolkit enables all types of organisations to plan, monitor and evaluate the measures they initiate for sustainable travel. The award will offer, in this case, schools, recognition for their efforts at producing better travel opportunities for Hull’s schools.

Journeys to and from school are often the most common journeys that school-age children make, so it is essential that they are encouraged to learn practical methods of sustainable and active travel. Walking and cycling can be incredibly beneficial for the creation of respect and knowledge of their local environment. Far more than car rides, they represent a healthy degree of exercise in the morning that prepares them cognitively for starting lessons.

Not only do participating schools earn recognition, but will work towards creating safer and healthier local environments. FSC will be supporting the planning and collection of evidence towards the award for participating schools.

To become a participating school or learn more about sustainable and active travel, see here.

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